12 May 2020
Version 0.7.0 ()
System props
Developer experience will always be one of our focus points. While our initial implementation for component extension was based around using the Box component and its clone prop, this updates will alleviate some of the frustrations that approach brought.
From now on, all components can be extended simply by adding the necessary props directly on the component itself. No more importing the Box component just for adding some margin around a TextField!
More components
We're almost at the end of our baseline components, and this release adds another set of useful components for you to use.
Looking forward
Every release, we'll try to give you an insight on our plans for the next release. That way you know what to expect, and see how you can adapt to our new features.
Next release(s) will focus on finishing the base set of building blocks that are considered widely used components. These include but are not limited to Autocomplete, Accordion, ...
When the base set of building blocks is complete, we'll start looking toward releasing our first really stable release, denoted by the 1.0.0 version. This will include some breaking changes (e.g. deprecated tokens). As with all breaking changes, we'll alway try to indicate it as deprecated for a while, after which it will be effectively removed in the next major release.
We're also looking at a more generic Text component, to more easily resonate your implementation with how a designer designed their visuals. We'll be exploring all options in order to bring the two worlds even more together.