Changelog ()
🐛 Bug Fix ∙ 🚀 New Feature ∙ 📝 Documentation ∙ 🏠 Internal ∙ 🎨 Themes ∙ 🏃♀️ Performance ∙ 🦦 Other
3.5.0 (11-07-2023)
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- @percy/cli: 1.21.0 -> 1.26.1
- @percy/storybook: 4.3.5 -> 4.3.6
- Major updates to our CI pipeline including a dockerized node_modules approach. !862
3.4.7 (23-05-2023)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Fixed an issue with the image-placeholder illustrations for chameleon-theme-lt and chameleon-theme-lt!964
3.4.5 (08-05-2023)
🎨 Themes
- Updated brand-main, brand-square-icon-name-horizontal & brand-square-icon-name-horizontal-white for chameleon-theme-az. !951
3.4.4 (28-04-2023)
🎨 Themes
- We've updated the brand and brand-fill icons for chameleon-theme-co. !944
3.4.2 (18-04-2023)
🚀 New Feature
- We've added new icons country and country-fill. !929
🎨 Themes
- We've added new external-link icon design for chameleon-theme-nb, chameleon-theme-gva, chameleon-theme-hbvl and for chameleon-theme-wl. !929
- chameleon-theme-co, chameleon-theme-tc & chameleon-theme-lt now have monochrome instead of polychrome weather icons. !929, !932
- We've updated the brand and brand-fill icons for chameleon-theme-lt, chameleon-theme-co and chameleon-theme-tc. !929
- The locale used for chameleon-react datepicker is now de-de instead of fr-fr for chameleon-theme-tc. !923
- Due to the addition of the country and country-fill icons, the pin and pin-fill icons in chameleon-theme-lw and chameleon-theme-vl are now reverted to their original design (a location pin). !932
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- vite-plugin-ssr: 0.4.99 -> 0.4.100
- Updated to swift 5.8 !920
3.3.0 (21-03-2023)
🐛 Bug Fix
- For chameleon-theme-co and chameleon-theme-lt the CDN was missing the brand-name-white logo. !880
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- @percy/cli: 1.20.2 -> 1.21.0
- inputmask: 5.0.8-beta.72 -> 5.0.8
- vite: 4.1.4 -> 4.2.1
- vite-plugin-ssr: 0.4.91 -> 0.4.99
- Updated to swift 5.7.3 & simplified swift pipeline !881
3.2.0 (09-03-2023)
🐛 Bug Fix
- For chameleon-theme-co and chameleon-theme-lt the CDN was missing the brand-name-white logo. !880
🎨 Themes
- Updated the focus color for chameleon-theme-lt!859
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- @easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local: 0.34.0 -> 0.35.0
- @percy/cli: 1.18.0 -> 1.20.2
- jest-environment-jsdom: 29.4.3 -> 29.5.0
- vite-plugin-ssr: 0.4.87 -> 0.4.91
- Updated our CI artifact expiry policy. !852
- Swift tests are now ran using native test parsing !854
3.1.0 (22-2-2023)
🐛 Bug Fix
- In chameleon-swift the system italic font is now actually italic, it was incorrectly shown as regular. !842
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- @babel/runtime: 7.20.13 --> 7.21.0
- @easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local: 0.33.6 -> 0.34.0
- @percy/storybook: 4.3.4 -> 4.3.5
- jest-environment-jsdom: 29.4.2 -> 29.4.3
- vite-plugin-ssr: 0.4.77 -> 0.4.87
- vite: 4.1.1 -> 4.1.4
- yargs: 17.6.2 -> 17.7.1
3.0.1 (14-1-2023)
🐛 Bug Fix
- For chameleon-theme-lw, some text color tokens were wrongly mapped internally. In practice this doesn't really change any values, as coincidentally, the underlying values happened to be correct. !601
- Small improvement in <Stepper /> responsiveness. !684, !734
- Fixes a font issue with "Nuacht Serif Headline" in Windows environments for chameleon-theme-indo and chameleon-theme-beltel. !709
- Fixed the font-weights in chameleon-theme-ds. !713
- Fixed: <Accordion> children aren't allowed to be null or undefined when they're not the sole child. !748
- Fix logos for chameleon-theme-vl. !770
- Fix favicons for chameleon-theme-lt. !770
🚀 New Feature
- 🚀 Welcome to the Chameleon family: chameleon-swift! Beginning with this release we also publish a Swift library for Chameleon via Swift Package Manager. Note, this is a 💥 BREAKING change as the lib/ios output folder in all NPM packages has been removed. !490
- We've added success states for some form components in chameleon-react: <Textarea> and <Select>. !671, !682
- We've added an error state for <Switch> in chameleon-react. !675
- Some new icons have been added: plate, plate-fill, plate-half, star-half (for ratings) and play-fill (for podcasts). !698, !757
- We updated the <Accordion /> component. Notably:
- it now uses <details> > <summary> under the hood
- an onChange callback prop has been added (called whenever another item inside gets expanded)
- it now has a better focus style !631
- We've added <table> styling in <RichContent> for chameleon-react. !740
- There's a new component in town: <Dropdown>! A Dropdown is a contextual
menu that you can anchor to a a component of your choosing (usually a
Button). It uses a WideList component under the hood. 💥 BREAKING
change: to accomodate this new component we've made 2 changes to WideList:
- the clickable prop no longer adds a <ChevronForward /> icon by default to show that it is clickable.
- the icon and iconColor props have been removed and 2 new props are added: iconLeft and iconRight. !740
🎨 Themes
- <BrandedHeading /> actions are no longer hidden on smaller screens for chameleon-theme-lw, chameleon-theme-lt, chameleon-theme-co, chameleon-theme-tc and chameleon-theme-hub!648
- Welcome chameleon-theme-vl, our chameleon implementation for Virgule. !685
- Sending some extra love to chameleon-theme-ds:
- Updated the foundations for chameleon-theme-co and chameleon-theme-lt. !744
- Updated the external icon for chameleon-theme-hub, chameleon-theme-vl, chameleon-theme-lw, chameleon-theme-lt, chameleon-theme-co and chameleon-theme-tc!744, !791
- Updated some font-sizes/line-heights & the design of the <BrandedHeading> for chameleon-theme-indo and chameleon-theme-beltel. !754, !764
- Updated the fonts for chameleon-theme-gva-summer-2020. All fonts have been reexported from Monotype and we've now included a bold weight for the primary and secondary font. !765
- Update brand & brand-fill icon for chameleon-theme-ds!770, !788
- Update and add star ratings icons for chameleon-theme-nb, chameleon-theme-gva and chameleon-theme-hbvl!770
- Adds missing BrandNameWhite logos for chameleon-theme-co and chameleon-theme-lt!803
- Updated the alias.focusColor token for chameleon-theme-mh!785
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- @babel/runtime: 7.19.0 -> 7.20.13
- @mediahuis/scripts: 1.3.1 -> 2.0.0
- @percy/cli: 1.12.0 -> 1.18.0
- @storybook/builder-webpack5: 6.5.13 -> 6.5.16
- @storybook/manager-webpack5: 6.5.13 -> 6.5.16
- @storybook/react: 6.5.13 -> 6.5.16
- chalk: 5.1.2 -> 5.2.0
- dayjs: 1.11.5 -> 1.11.7
- husky: 8.0.1 -> 8.0.3
- inputmask: 5.0.8-beta.47 -> 5.0.8-beta.72
- jest-environment-jsdom: 29.1.2 -> 29.4.2
- tinycolor2: 1.4.2 -> 1.5.2
- Updated to Node v18 !628
- Rewrote our chameleon-cli package. !711
- We started using Gitlab's Merge Request Pipelines !812
🦦 Other
- 💥 BREAKING: in <AutoComplete /> the deprecated onSuggestionSelected prop is now removed (use onSelect instead). !626
- 💥 BREAKING: in <Choice /> we've renamed the caption prop to message. Update your implementations from <Choice caption="..." /> to <Choice message="..." />!662
- 💥 BREAKING: in <IconButton /> the deprecated name prop is now removed (use icon instead). !626
- 💥 BREAKING: the deprecated <Image /> component is now removed. !626
- We changed the look of <Choice type="radio" /> a little bit. It's now clearer that this has radio functionality. !634
- The calendar icon in <DatePicker /> moved to the right of the input field. !636
- We've made some improvements to the design of sortable tables which makes things more clear and accessible. !677
- 💥 BREAKING: Fixed the readOnly prop on <DatePicker> in chameleon-react and added a pickerInputOnly prop. !732
- 💥 BREAKING: we've renamed all our theme packages to be compliant with
Entity & Brand Codes.
So starting with this version number, you may need to install a different
package. A short summary:
- chameleon-theme-gva-summer-2020 -> chameleon-theme-gva
- chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020 -> chameleon-theme-hbvl
- chameleon-theme-hmc-ge -> chameleon-theme-ge
- chameleon-theme-hmc-hd -> chameleon-theme-hd
- chameleon-theme-hmc-ld -> chameleon-theme-ld
- chameleon-theme-hmc-nhd -> chameleon-theme-nhd
- chameleon-theme-hmc-yc -> chameleon-theme-yc
- chameleon-theme-nb -> chameleon-theme-nb-legacy
- chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021 -> chameleon-theme-nb
- chameleon-theme-swcom -> chameleon-theme-sw
- chameleon-theme-wort-de -> chameleon-theme-lw
- chameleon-theme-wort-en -> chameleon-theme-lt
- chameleon-theme-wort-pt -> chameleon-theme-co
- chameleon-theme-wort-tc -> chameleon-theme-tc !761
2.4.1 (26-10-2022)
🐛 Bug Fix
- For chameleon-theme-mh and chameleon-theme-az, icons were not properly processed, resulting in icons that didn't inherit the fill color. !601
🎨 Themes
- We gave some extra love to chameleon-theme-mh by tweaking the design of some of its components. !597
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- @babel/runtime: 7.19.0 -> 7.19.4
- @percy/cli: 1.10.4 -> 1.12.0
- @percy/storybook: 4.3.3 -> 4.3.4
- dayjs: 1.11.5 -> 1.11.6
- lerna: 5.5.2 -> 5.6.2
- inputmask: 5.0.8-beta.25 -> 5.0.8-beta.47
- We switched our gitlab runners to EKS. !600
2.4.0 (27-09-2022)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Fixed the newly added Plus logos. !574
🏠 Internal
2.3.0 (14-09-2022)
🚀 New Feature
- We've added Plus logos. !558
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies
- @babel/runtime: 7.18.9 -> 7.19.0
- @percy/cli: 1.9.1 -> 1.10.2
- lerna: 5.4.3 -> 5.5.1
- classnames: 2.3.1 -> 2.3.2
- jest-fail-on-console: 2.4.2 -> 2.5.0
- Improved our internal docker setup. !564
2.2.0 (23-08-2022)
🚀 New Feature
- We've added a showOnFocus prop to our <DatePicker /> component. This prop controls whether the calendar should show when the input receives focus. !520
- Typescript baby steps: we've added a type definition file tokens.d.ts that contains type definitions for each theme's tokens.js file. !518
- We've updated the UX for <AutoComplete />: Hitting the TAB key when an item is highlighted, selects that item. !525
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @babel/runtime: 7.18.6 -> 7.18.9
- @percy/cli: 1.3.1 -> 1.9.1
- @percy/storybook: 4.2.1 -> 4.3.3
- @popperjs/core: 2.11.5 -> 2.11.6
- @testing-library/jest-dom: 5.16.4 -> 5.16.5
- dayjs: 1.11.3 -> 1.11.5
- downshift: 6.1.7 -> 6.1.9
- inputmask: 5.0.8-beta.17 -> 5.0.8-beta.25
- lerna: 5.1.6 -> 5.4.3
- We introduced a solution to generate image placeholders on the fly with SVG in our Storybook stories. This way we no longer have to rely on an external service (such as which results in our Percy snapshots being a little more robust. !533
2.1.1 (28-07-2022)
🚀 New Feature
🎨 Themes
- We welcome 3 new brands to Chameleon in this release!
- chameleon-theme-ds received a well deserved rebranding with new fonts, colors, logos and more! !489
🐛 Bug Fix
- We've fixed the fact that actions in <BrandedHeading /> in chameleon-theme-swcom were hidden since our CSS Custom Properties '2.0.0' release. !496
- We've fixed the Nuacht Serif Headline font not appearing for chameleon-theme-indo and chameleon-theme-beltel as well as slightly adapting their designs for the <BrandedHeading />!508
2.1.0 (Skipped)
2.0.0 (06-07-2022)
🚀 New Feature
- 💥 BREAKING: We've completely overhauled our CSS architecture in chameleon-react and now use vanilla CSS instead of SCSS. This also means we now use CSS Custom Properties instead of SCSS variables! (An SCSS output of all design tokens still remains available for you to use for the time being.) To be able to use it, you now have to include a little PostCSS configuration to make it work. !395.
- max breakpoints: we've added some extra breakpoint design tokens. Each breakpoint now also has a 'max' version with a value of 1px less than the next breakpoint. This way, you have a breakpoint on each end of a viewport size. Now, when you are using @media (max-width: ...) you can use these new breakpoints! The <Hidden /> component now takes this into account as well. (which is technically speaking also 💥 BREAKING)
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @testing-library/jest-dom: 5.16.2 -> 5.16.4
- react-popper-tooltip: 4.4.1 -> 4.4.2
- lerna: 5.1.4 -> 5.1.6
1.15.2 (20-06-2022)
🎨 Themes
- Added a logo variation brand-icon-news to chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020!468
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @mediahuis/scripts: 1.2.1-next.1 -> 1.2.1
- @perci/cli: 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1
- lerna: 5.1.2 -> 5.1.4
1.15.1 (15-06-2022)
🎨 Themes
🐛 Bug Fix
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- focus-trap: 6.9.3 -> 6.9.4
- lerna: 5.0.0 -> 5.1.2
1.15.0 (07-06-2022)
🚀 New Features
- 🌴 Tree shaking! We've greatly improved tree shaking in chameleon-react. We've reduced the bare bundle size from a whopping 323.94KB to a mere 19.84KB. A 16x reduction! When importing things from chameleon, you only import what you actually need. (We're working to get that 19.84KB down to an absolute 0, but this is a great first step!) 🤗 Special thanks to @StevenBenisek for making it happen! !MR 419
🎨 Themes
- Added missing inverted logos for chameleon-theme-hub and chameleon-theme-wort-de. !447
🐛 Bug Fix
- Fix the Roboto-Regular fonts in chameleon-theme-hub, chameleon-theme-wort-tc and chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021. !445
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @babel/runtime: 7.18.0 -> 7.18.3
- @mediahuis/scripts: 1.1.0 -> 1.2.1-next.1
- @percy/storybook: 4.2.0 -> 4.2.1
- dayjs: 1.11.2 -> 1.11.3
- focus-trap: 6.7.3 -> 6.9.3
- jest-fail-on-console: 2.4.1 -> 2.4.2
- lerna: 4.0.0 -> 5.0.0
- react-popper-tooltip: 4.3.1 -> 4.4.1
- Fix missing documentation of the brand-icon-abbreviation-horizontal logo from chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020. !446
1.14.4 (20-05-2022)
🎨 Themes
- Updated the weather icons for chameleon-theme-wort-de to be monochrome. !437
1.14.3 (20-05-2022)
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @percy/cli: 1.1.3 -> 1.2.1
- @babel/runtime: 7.17.9 -> 7.18.0
1.14.1 (12-05-2022)
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @percy/cli: 1.1.0 -> 1.1.3
- dayjs: 1.1.1 -> 1.1.2
- husky: 7.0.4 -> 8.0.1
- react-popper: 2.2.5 -> 2.3.0
- style-dictionary: 3.1.1 -> 3.7.0
- We added an extra breakpoint for small screens to our automated visual testing process with Percy. This to ensure that visual regressions are tested in a more responsive fashion. !417
- Added a prepare-commit-msg hook to husky to auto prepend commits with the JIRA ticket ID. !420
1.14.0 (29-04-2022)
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @percy/cli: 1.0.8 -> 1.1.0
1.13.0 (19-04-2022)
🎨 Themes
- Some foundational updates:
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @babel/runtime: 7.17.8 -> 7.17.9
- @percy/cli: 1.0.0-beta.76 -> 1.0.8
- @popperjs/core: 2.11.4 -> 2.11.5
- @storybook/react: 6.4.19 -> 6.4.22
- @testing-library/jest-dom: 5.16.3 -> 5.16.4
- @testing-library/react: 12.1.4 -> 12.1.5
- dayjs: 1.11.0 -> 1.11.1
- fs-extra: 10.0.1 -> 10.1.0
- jest-fail-on-console: 2.3.0 -> 2.4.1
- use-callback-ref: 1.2.5 -> 1.3.0
- Removed the general fontFamily tokens to reduce dirty snapshot tests going forward. !383
🦦 Other
- In line with Node's release schedule, we've made sure our package works on Node's active LTS. Since we will only test on this version, we've also made it the required minimal version by bumping the engines field in package.json!386
- 💥 BREAKING: The <Fonts /> component has been removed. Please import @mediahuis/chameleon-theme-*/lib/web/fonts.css instead of using this component. !404
- 💥 BREAKING: The <Reset /> component has been removed. Please import @mediahuis/chameleon-reset instead of using this component. !404
- 💥 BREAKING: chameleon-react no longer has any chameleon-theme-* packages specified in it's dependencies. If you relied on the theme packages being installed automatically, you need to add them to your own dependencies. !407
1.12.4 (31-03-2022)
🎨 Themes
1.12.3 (28-03-2022)
🚀 New Features
🎨 Themes
- Updated illustrations for chameleon-theme-nb and chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021!MR 324
- Updated foundations for chameleon-theme-dl!MR 332, !MR 357, !MR 376, !MR 378
- Updated foundations for chameleon-theme-hub!MR 327
- Updated grid breakpoint values for chameleon-theme-hub, chameleon-theme-wort-de, chameleon-theme-wort-en, chameleon-theme-wort-tc, chameleon-theme-wort-pt, !MR 334
- Updated color for <LinkText> in chameleon-theme-swcom!MR 331
- Updated color.grey.60 shade in chameleon-theme-swcom!MR 374
- Following a survey regarding the new Nieuwsblad app we updated the font.paragraph.size token value in chameleon-theme-gva-summer-2020, chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020, chameleon-theme-nb, chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021 and chameleon-theme-dl from 16 to 17 for better readability on mobile devices. !MR 369
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @babel/runtime: 7.16.7 -> 7.17.8
- @percy/cli: 1.0.0-beta.75 -> 1.0.0-beta.76
- @popperjs/core: 2.11.2 -> 2.11.4
- @storybook/react: 6.4.12 -> 6.4.19
- @testing-library/jest-dom: 5.16.1 -> 5.16.3
- @testing-library/react: 12.1.2 -> 12.1.4
- dayjs: 1.10.7 -> 1.11.0
- fast-glob: 3.2.10 -> 3.2.11
- focus-trap: 6.7.2 -> 6.7.3
- fs-extra: 10.0.0 -> 10.0.1
- inputmask: 5.0.8-beta.1 -> 5.0.8-beta.17
- jest-fail-on-console: 2.1.1 -> 2.3.0
- Removed internal references to deprecated <Image /> component !323
- Removed chameleon-cli-create-theme package due to not being used or maintained. !375
🐛 Bug Fix
- Fixed typo in default grid.breakpoint.medium token value. !333
1.12.2 (24-2-2022)
🦦 Other
- Correctly licensed Produkt font has been added for chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021. MR !320
1.12.1 (21-2-2022)
🚀 New Features
- Add success state to AutoComplete, DatePicker & TextField in the chameleon-react package !MR 306
🎨 Themes
- Add logos to chameleon-theme-hub package !MR 301
- Add RSS icon !MR 302
- Removed margin from BrandedHeading in chameleon-theme-swcom when no action is set !MR 303
- Updated the line-height from Heading1 in chameleon-theme-swcom!MR 304
- Updated the sales illustrations in chameleon-theme-nb & chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021!MR 307!MR 308
- Make it possible to use the v2 logo in chameleon-theme-dl this will also be the default! !MR 309
- Updated the v2 logos in chameleon-theme-ds!MR 310
- Add theme chameleon-theme-wort-en!MR 311
- Add theme chameleon-theme-wort-pt!MR 312
- Add theme chameleon-theme-wort-tc!MR 313
1.12.0 (8-2-2022)
🚀 New Features
- All headings (h1-h6) are now responsive! Up until this point, paragraph, heading1, -2 and -3 were the only ones with responsive font-size and line-height values. This feature is now extended to heading4, -5 and -6 as well. MR !263
- Weather icons are added to chameleon-tokens so each brand now has access to a default set of weather icons. MR !265
- We added a new closeHidden prop to chameleon-react's Banner component. MR !295
🎨 Themes
- New theme: chameleon-theme-wort-de! !MR 272
- In the <Dialog /> component. The header and footer border-color is now updated to colorGrey30 (from colorGrey20) !MR 257
- The brand-fill icons are added for every brand. !MR 266
- Replaced Helvetica Neue Ltstd & Replaced Helvetica Neue Condensed with Roboto in nb-winter-2021!274
- Make it possible to use the v2 logo in chameleon-theme-nb this will also be the default! !293
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @babel/runtime: 7.16.3 -> 7.16.7
- @popperjs/core: 2.11.0 -> 2.11.2
- @storybook/react: 6.4.5 -> 6.4.12
- @testing-library/jest-dom: 5.15.1 --> 5.16.1
- fast-glob: 3.2.7 -> 3.2.10
- focus-trap: 6.7.1 -> 6.7.2
- inputmask: 5.0.6 -> 5.0.8-beta.1
- prop-types: 15.7.2 -> 15.8.1
- style-dictionary: 3.0.3 -> 3.1.1
- We have refactored the icon processing to allow for polychrome icons. !MR 256
- Added repository fields for all package.json files. !MR 277
- Refactored the color system, to allow for more flexibility regarding foreground/background contrast. !MR 273
- Changed the way placeholders work, by using an illustration, this gives the brands more flexibility. !MR 278
- Changed the way multibranded snapshot testing works in Percy !289
🐛 Bug Fix
- Removed default fontsize from <Text /> component !291
🦦 Other
- Deprecated <Image /> component !MR 283
1.11.1 (3-12-2021)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Fixed: when a <Tooltip /> is used in the action="" prop of a <WideListItem />, there's a visual overflow bug (the tooltip is clipped by a parent with overflow: hidden.) !MR 248
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @percy/cli: 1.0.0-beta.70 -> 1.0.0-beta.71
- @popperjs/core: 2.10.2 -> 2.11.0
- @storybook/react: 6.3.12 -> 6.4.5
- Refactored some deprecated Sass code: / is currently treated as a division operation in some contexts and a separator in others. Hence the deprecation to use / as a division operator. !MR 232, !MR 247
1.11.0 (26-11-2021)
🐛 Bug Fix
- For chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020, a faulty FF Mark Pro font file lied at the basis of the wrong rendering of the letter "j" when your device's locale is NL. New font files have been supplied to mitigate this issue. !MR 238
🚀 New Features
- A <RichContent /> component has been added. Basically, it's a component that wraps around some HTML or other components and provides some default styling. See the documentation for more info. MR !234
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @babel/runtime: 7.15.4 -> 7.16.3
- @mediahuis/scripts: 1.0.2-next.2 -> 1.1.0
- @testing-library/jest-dom: 5.14.1 -> 5.15.1
- svgstore: 3.0.0-2 -> 3.0.1
1.10.0 (8-11-2021)
🐛 Bug Fix
🚀 New Features
- <Dialog> component has a new prop: footerMR !194
🎨 Themes
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @percy/cli: 1.0.0-beta.68 -> 1.0.0-beta.70
- @percy/storybook: 4.0.3 -> 4.1.0
- @popperjs/core: 2.10.1 -> 2.10.2
- @storybook/react: 6.3.8 -> 6.3.12
- @testing-library/react: 12.1.1 -> 12.1.2
- husky: 7.0.2 -> 7.0.4
- ink: 3.0.9 -> 3.2.0
- ink-spinner: 4.0.2 -> 4.0.3
- jest-fail-on-console: 2.0.4 -> 2.1.1
- pdfkit: 0.12.3 -> 0.13.0
- plop: 2.7.4 -> 2.7.6
- react-async-hook: 3.6.1 -> 4.0.0
- react-popper-tooltip: 4.3.0 -> 4.3.1
- style-dictionary: 3.0.2 -> 3.0.3
- Removed obsolete build:scripts from root package.json MR !205
- Some random fixes
MR !209:
- Snapshot stage in CI is now uninterruptible.
- Removed version from root package.json
- License files are no longer explicitly mentioned in package.jsonfiles
- Refactored fonts .plist generation MR !213
🦦 Other
- 💥 BREAKING: New fonts.plist structure for iOS exports. MR !217
1.9.2 (06-10-2021)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Add height to chameleon-theme-hmc, chameleon-theme-hmc-ge, chameleon-theme-hmc-hd, chameleon-theme-hmc-ld, chameleon-theme-hmc-nhd, chameleon-theme-hmc-yc buttons !MR 197
🎨 Themes
- Add favicons to chameleon-theme-beltel, chameleon-theme-dl, chameleon-theme-ds, chameleon-theme-gva-summer-2020, chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020, chameleon-theme-hmc-ge, chameleon-theme-hmc-hd, chameleon-theme-hmc-ld, chameleon-theme-hmc-nhd, chameleon-theme-hmc-yc, chameleon-theme-indo, chameleon-theme-nb, chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021, chameleon-theme-swcom, chameleon-theme-wl!MR 192
1.9.1 (30-09-2021)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Add missing fonts for chameleon-theme-beltel and chameleon-theme-indo!MR 189
📝 Documentation
- Deprecated <Fonts /> component !MR 190
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @testing-library/react: 12.1.0 -> 12.1.1
1.9.0 (28-09-2021)
🐛 Bug Fix
- 💥 BREAKING: Not really a bug, but we fixed the spelling of the icon attachment (previously 'attatchment') !MR 148
- <Select /> does not always have the same height as <TextField />!MR 175
- <Select /> overflowing letter "G" on Windows Chrome!MR 176
- For iOS each theme had an empty logos.swift, illustrations.swift and icons.swift file. !MR 159
🚀 New Features
- Removed PDF versions from repo and auto generate PDF (with pdfkit) for iOS and VectorDrawable XML (with a custom JAR) for Android. MR !100
- Added logo's, icons and illustratios to chameleon-swiftMR !138
- Added (minimal) foundation tokens for chameleon-theme-swcomMR !155
- 💥 BREAKING: Restructured theme output for AndroidMR !143, MR !162
🎨 Themes
- Added a new icon set for chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021!MR 142!MR 164
- Added some illustrations for chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021!MR 182
- Added a new play-arrow icon for chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021 and chameleon-theme-gva-summer-2020!MR 166
- For Android, motion design tokens are now integers MR !170
- Added a new language icon to chameleon-theme-wlMR !187
📝 Documentation
- Deprecated <Reset /> component !MR 171
🏠 Internal
- Updates to dependencies:
- @babel/runtime: 7.14.8 -> 7.15.4
- @popperjs/core: 2.9.3 -> 2.10.1
- @storybook/react: 6.3.6 -> 6.3.8
- @testing-library/jest-dom: 4.2.4 -> 5.14.1
- @testing-library/react: 9.3.2 -> 12.1.0
- @testing-library/react-hooks: 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2
- dayjs: 1.10.3 -> 1.10.7
- downshift: 6.1.6 -> 6.1.7
- fast-glob: 3.2.4 -> 3.2.7
- focus-trap: 6.6.0 -> 6.7.1
- fs-extra: 8.1.0 -> 10.0.0
- husky: 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2
- inputmask: 5.0.3 -> 5.0.6
- pdfkit: 0.12.1 -> 0.12.3
- react-day-picker: 7.4.5 -> 7.4.10
- react-live: 2.2.3 -> 2.3.0
- style-dictionary: 3.0.0-rc.4 -> 3.0.2
- Updated jest.testTimeoutMR !134
- Refactored some NPM scripts
- Refactored gitlab-ci.yml and moved percy snapshots to CI !MR 167
- Removed teasers from visual testing !MR 147
- Refactored naming of storybook scripts !MR 184
1.8.0 (06-08-2021)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Decouple :visited from :active on buttons MHBESD-50802
🚀 New Features
- We've taken the first steps to implementing CSS Custom Properties! For now, it's just an extra style-dictionary output until we flesh this out further. MHDS-1753
- Add line-height to iOS .plist export MHDS-412
- Implement downshift onSelect in AutoComplete component MHDS-1587
- TextLink now inherits font-familyMHDS-1676
- Add @babel/runtime MHDS-1532
- WideListItem now uses Skeleton component as it's loading state. 💥 BREAKING: Skeleton component was previously named Skelleton, this typo has been fixed. MHDS-1341
- 💥 BREAKING: Move branded bundles for chameleon-react into new separate chameleon-react-bundled package. If you were depending on /lib folder in chameleon-react, please install chameleon-react-bundled instead. MHDS-1225
🎨 Themes
- Removed chameleon-theme-gva, chameleon-theme-hbvl, chameleon-theme-tmg, chameleon-theme-limnlMHDS-1752
- Add brand-fill to chameleon-theme-dlMHDS-1759
- Add Merriweather Black to all chameleon-theme-hmc-* themes MHDS-1750
- Fix color build output in chameleon-theme-swcom
- Update colors, typescale, overlay, logos foundations in chameleon-theme-nb-winter-2021MHDS-1745
- Add FF Mark Pro Italic to chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020MHDS-1703
- Add .otf font files to chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020MHDS-1710
- Add color-marketing tokens to chameleon-theme-gva-summer-2020MHDS-1716
🏃♀️ Performance
🏠 Internal
- Added dependabot automatic dependency updates
- Added prettier- and eslint configs to all packages, and fixed al formatting and linting errors
- Use format and lint in CI to prevent unformatted and unlinted code merges.
- Updates to dependencies:
- @mediahuis/scripts: 0.0.4 -> 1.0.1
- ink: 2.6.0 -> 3.0.9
- ink-spinner: 3.0.1 -> 4.0.2
- ink-testing-library: 1.0.3 -> 2.1.0
- @testing-library/react-hooks: 3.2.1 -> 7.0.1
- @svgr/core: 4.3.3 -> 5.5.0
- @svgr/plugin-svgo: 5.0.1 -> 5.5.0
- jest-specific-snapshot: 2.0.0 -> 5.0.0
- @storybook/react: 6.0.5 -> 6.3.6
- @popperjs/core: 2.4.4 -> 2.9.3
- react-popper: 2.2.3 -> 2.2.5
- react-popper-tooltip: 3.1.0 -> 4.3.0
- husky: 2.7.0 -> 7.0.1
- classnames: 2.2.6 -> 2.3.1
- downshift: 6.0.6 -> 6.1.6
- focus-trap: 5.1.0 -> 6.6.0
- use-callback-ref: 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
- Removed dependencies:
- cross-env
- chromatic
- @storybook/addon-actions
- @storybook/addon-knobs
- Removed chameleon-playroomMHDS-1752
- Refactored .gitlab-ci.yml configuration
- Added jest-fail-on-console instead of DIY solution
- No longer keep double changelog. Changelog in chameleon-docs is single source of truth now. MHDS-1744
- removed windows specific dev code
- Added licenses to all packages MHDS-1732
- chameleon-reset is just a static css file now. No longer built with sass. MHDS-1735
- Remove chameleon-cli build folder from version control
- Fix style-dictionary collision detection warnings in build output. MHDS-1719
🦦 Other
- 💥 BREAKING: required node version is set to 14 now. chameleon will try to adhere to the Node release cycle.
1.7.4 (06-07-2021)
- Changed HMC button update (primary buttons are red now)
- Changed BrandedHeading text to wrapping instead of truncating for NB theme
- Added OpenSans for HMC theme
- Added motion-duration-loop token
- Added line-height for Select component
- Fixed Dialog overflow not working corectly on iPad
- Changed line-heights are now absolute values
1.7.3 (02-06-2021)
- Fixed wl cdn font-link
- Fixed :visited buttons & links
- Fixed logo import bug
1.7.2 (Skipped)
1.7.1 (18-05-2021)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size nb-winter-2021 (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size beltel (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size indo (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size swcom (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size chameleon-hmc-nhb (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size chameleon-hmc-ld (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size chameleon-hmc-hd (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size chameleon-hmc-yc (now 18px on desktop)
- Changed Paragraph responsive font-size chameleon-hmc-ge (now 18px on desktop)
- Added new package chameleon-swift with a basic structure that includes brand colors.
- Changed Logo config is moved to themes
- Changed hmc BrandedHeading mobile padding/overall padding finetuning
- Changed hmc BrandedHeading responsive style
1.7.0 (27-04-2021)
- Added autocomplete prop to Autocomplete component
- Update BrandedHeading nb theme
- Update line-heights existing nb theme
- Make illustrations tree shakable by using imports
- Playroom introduction
- Staging environment (
1.6.0 (12-04-2021)
- Added first draft nb-winter-2021
- Added first draft beltel
- Added first draft indo
- Added first draft swcom
- Added you can use css-variables in nb BrandedHeading to color the text and border color
- Changed gva-summer-2020 secondary color will become blueish!
- Changed all line-heights are now unitless on Android, Javascript & Scss. On iOS they are always absolute values
- BrandedHeading by default no spacing left and right
- Changed BrandedHeading in existing nb theme
- Changed Vitesse font-weight to bold to black in existing nb theme (updated cdn v1.0.1 and latest)
1.5.1 (15-03-2021)
React Components
- Fixed Radio Button's figures margin has a default reset now
- Fixed action in WideList shrinks
- Fixed Icon flex-shrink
- Fixed onClose triggers multiple times in dialog
- Fixed chameleon-hmc-nhb typescale font-size Heading 2
- Fixed chameleon-hmc-ld typescale font-size Heading 2
- Fixed chameleon-hmc-hd typescale font-size Heading 2
- Fixed chameleon-hmc-yc typescale font-size Heading 2
- Fixed chameleon-hmc-ge typescale font-size Heading 2
- Fixed chameleon-hmc-ge react peerDependencies typo
- Fixed Switch is by default not required, pass true if needed
- Fixed Checkbox is by default not required, pass true if needed
1.5.0 (12-02-2021)
React Components
- Added sideEffects to package.json to enable better tree-shaking
- Changed dayjs is now a peerDependency
- Changed name is deprecated and replaced with as in Icon and must be imported from @mediahuis/chameleon-theme-wl/icons
- Changed name is deprecated and replaced with icon in IconButton and must be imported from @mediahuis/chameleon-theme-wl/icons
- Changed icon, iconLeft, iconRight must be imported from @mediahuis/chameleon-theme-wl/icons, string usage is deprecated in Button, TextField, Select, AutoComplete, IconButton, ListItem, WideListItem
- Fixed Accordion arrow-icon alignment
- Added /icons to every theme-package
- Added chameleon-hmc-nhb Noordhollands dagblad (Not ready for implementation)
- Added chameleon-hmc-ld Leidsch Dagblad (Not ready for implementation)
- Added chameleon-hmc-hd Haarlems Dagblad (Not ready for implementation)
- Added chameleon-hmc-yc IJmuider Courant (Not ready for implementation)
- Added chameleon-hmc-ge Gooi- en Eemlander (Not ready for implementation)
- Changed chameleon-hmc Make it the parent theme for the above themes
- Changed chameleon-hmc Changed greyscale for better wcag support
- Changed chameleon-theme-hmc is deprecated, and will only be used as parent theme, use chameleon-theme-nhb to replace it
- Changed chameleon-theme-gva is deprecated, use chameleon-theme-gva-summer-2020 instead
- Changed chameleon-theme-hbvl is deprecated, use chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020 instead
- Added a script (chameleon-cli-create-theme) to generate a basic theme
- Added last visited theme will be saved
- Added url will now update when changing themes to enable better sharing
- Added Mirgation can now be accessed directly from the side menu (Updates/Migration)
- Changed theme-switch to enable more Themes
- Deleted font download, you should ask the theme from now on
1.4.1 (2021-01-19)
React Components
- Added appearance prop to Placeholder so you can switch when a child is loaded
- Changed lock all package.json dependencies
- Changed version of react-day-picker to "7.4.5"
- Changed alias-tokens have now a specific pattern
- Fixed shadow in gva-summer-2020 SearchResults
1.4.0 (2020-12-17)
React Components
- Added Illustrations component
- Added forceSelection to AutoComplete component - you can now enforce a user to select an item (under the hood we replaced react-autosuggest with DownShift aswell)
- Added verticalAlign to Logo and Image component
- Added position prop to DatePicker
- Added es & cjs outputs to a new /dist folder
- Added package.json 'module' will now target './dist/es/index.js'
- Changed package.json 'main' will now target './dist/cjs/index.js'
- Changed the getting started for developers guides
- Fixed DatePicker will now appear on top of Dialogs
- Fixed when Dialogs are nested, only the one most in front will close on Escape
- Changed fonts plist file will fallback on non-existing font-weights
- Added illustrations with black and white white-label fallback
- Added extra font-weight to gva-summer-2020 (native apps only)
- Changed all scripts are now using mediahuis-scripts
1.3.1 (2020-12-09)
React components
- Added usePortal to Tooltip
- Fixed fonts config hbvl-summer-2020
- Enable gva-summer-2020 in prebuilt
1.3.0 (2020-11-16)
- Changed Button and IconButton color in chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020
- Added chameleon-theme-hmc (this is just a trial setup, don't use this in your code yet)
1.2.2 (2020-11-05)
- Fixed woff & woff2 in chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020
1.2.1 (2020-11-03)
- Fixed line-height in chameleon-theme-hbvl-summer-2020
- Fixed issue in font struct
1.2.0 (2020-10-28)
React components
Note: If you are implementing this version on a node-environment, you have to add jsDom, as described in the peerDependencies.
- Added basic Table sorting functionality
- Added loading state to Table
- Fixed inputMask problems in TextField & DatePicker
- Fixed AutoComplete's onBlur functionality: don't return null on blur. The AutoComplete will now first focus the TextField when you select an item
- Fixed display: contents warning when using autoprefixer in your project: this functionality is removed and is no longer supported
- Changed internal font-structure to be more independent
1.1.6 (2020-10-12)
React components
- Added Dialog now supports data-testid
- Added tableLayout prop to Table
- Added ellipsis prop to tableCell in Table
- Added width prop to Table
- Fixed Tabledoes not crash when passing data with value null anymore
- Fixed Caption does not pass size prop to underlying Text component anymore
- Fixed Fieldset's labelProps.fontWeight is now overwritable
Chameleon storybook
- New multibranded chromatic setup
1.1.5 (2020-09-15)
React components
- Added iOS icons for the updated GvA theme
1.1.4 (2020-09-10)
React components
- Pinned the version of inputmask to v5.0.3 to prevent a breaking change in the third-party package from affecting our products.
1.1.3 (2020-09-08)
React components
- data-testid is now correctly passed on in DatePicker.
- Correct token mapping for Button's primary appearance.
- Fieldset now also accepts labelProps.
1.1.2 (2020-08-27)
React components
- Fixed a bug in DatePicker: moved dayjs.extend outside the render method.
1.1.1 (2020-08-27)
We had an internal publishing problem. You can skip this version and go straight to 1.1.2.
1.1.0 (2020-08-13)
React components
- Added max-width to widthProps system props
- Added size & appearance to BrandedHeading
- Fixed a bug with flex-shrink system prop
- Fixed the Nieuwsblad cdn-url cdn in Font
- Fixed the bundled files now include the correct cdn-links
- Updated GvA Grey colors (light, base, dark)
1.0.2 (2020-08-07)
React components
- Added borderRadius & display to Paper's PropTypes
- Removed checked from Select's PropTypes
1.0.1 (2020-07-23)
- Update DS brand icon.
1.0.0 (2020-07-22)
React components
- Added Fonts component.
- Added Logo component.
- Added Reset component.
Breaking changes
Be sure to check our migration guide for breaking changes.
0.10.1 (2020-07-07)
React components
- Fixed a bug with small sized IconButton on iOS.
0.10.0 (2020-07-01)
React components
- Added Tooltip component.
- Added Widelist component.
- Updated GvA Grey colors.
0.9.0 (2020-06-11)
React components
- Added Text component.
- Added Table component.
- Added Avatar component.
- Fixed Label margin in Select component.
- Added flexParentProps to system props.
0.8.0 (2020-05-26)
React components
- Added Accordion component.
- Added Autocomplete component.
- Added missing propTypes to ListItem component.
- Added maxHeight prop to the system.
- Added Marketing Colors.
0.7.0 (2020-05-12)
React components
- All components now allow addition system props to be added directly on them.
- Added Banner component.
- Added List component.
- Added ListItem component.
- Added Stepper component.
- Added zIndex as a system prop.
- Added loading prop to Button.
- Added mask prop to TextField.
- Removed the pointer on a Choice's body.
0.6.0 (2020-04-20)
React components
- Added IconButton component.
- Added Loader component.
- Added BrandedHeading component.
- Added Dialog component.
- Added DatePicker component.
- Added TextArea component.
- Adjusted height of TextField component to be in line with the height of Button component.
- Adjusted height of Select component to be in line with the height of Button component.
- All components now forward passed in ref properties. The node to which the ref is forwarded, depends on the component. In some cases, it is passed onto the wrapper, in other cases on a child component. E.g. with TextField, the input element will have the forwarded ref. This is based on subjective judgement, taking into account what the expected behavior would be. Be sure to notify us if something does not behave as you'd expect.
- Box now allows negative values for all margin related properties.
- All form elements that have a message property, will now display an icon before the message if the error prop is also set to true.
- iOS shadow tokens now have better structure so that they can be used directly.
0.5.2 (2020-03-23)
React components
- Select: when the placeholder was active, all other options were also greyed out on Windows platforms. This is no longer the case.
- Fixed secondary colors for De Limburger.
- Fixed exported font values for De Limburger.
- De Limburger: added De Limburger as a selectable brand from the dropdown in the top right corner.
0.5.1 (2020-03-12)
React components
- Select: removed the check for option or optiongroup. This enables React.Fragment and null to be added as children for a Select component.
- useMediaQuery: now accepts 0 as a value.
0.5.0 (2020-03-10)
React components
- Added Switch component
- Added Select component
- Added Radio component
- Added useMediaQuery hook
- Added Fieldset component
- Added Hidden component
- Added Screenreader component
- Box: added clone prop
- Box: can now have a spacing (e.g. m, p) prop of 0
- Box: added float prop
- Heading: fixed responive values for levels 2 & 3
- Input: added disabled prop
- TextField: added disabled prop
- Switched timebased tokens to ms instead of s
- Added square GvA logo
- Added documentation for the previously added LinkText component
- Added Design guidelines for Checkbox
- Added Design guidelines for Select
- Added a clear overview of which Box props can be cloned to a child component
0.4.0 (2020-02-24)
React components
- Input: multibranded colors
- Checkbox: multibranded colors
- Corrected expected propType for Label's hidden prop
- components/input:
- input-hover-border-color
- input-focus-shadow-color
- components/checkbox:
- checkbox-focus-shadow-color
- checkbox-checked-color
- checkbox-checked-background
- Android:
- Renamed dimens XML tag to dimen
- Removed double point precision from dp and sp values
- Added Phone
- Added PhoneFill
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Facebook
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Github
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Instagram
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Pinterest
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Skype
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Spotify
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Twitter
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Whatsapp
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from Youtube
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from AboSlim for GvA
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from AboSnel for GvA
- Removed non-standard SVG commands from AboSuper for GvA
0.3.6 (2020-02-13)
React components
- Flex: fix responsive propTypes warning
- Choice: center heading
- Checkbox: Component
- TextField: labelHidden prop
0.3.5 (2020-02-12)
React components
- Button: disabled grey background fix
- Icon: vertical-align middle by default
- Icon: vertical-align middle by default
- TextField: Component
- Box: position sticky support
- Internal kitchen:
- Wrapper component
- Message component
- Label component
- PrimaryLabel Component
- OptionalLabel Component
- ActionLabel Component
- InfoLabel Component
- Input Component
- Caption: prop fontWeight
- Caption: TextAlign default inherit
- Paragraph: prop fontWeight fix
- Paragraph: TextAlign default inherit
- Heading: prop fontWeight fix
- Heading: TextAlign default inherit
- Box: Border extended props
- borderBottomColor
- borderBottomStyle
- borderBottomWidth
- borderLeftColor
- borderLeftStyle
- borderLeftWidth
- borderRightColor
- borderRightStyle
- borderRightWidth
- borderTopColor
- borderTopStyle
- borderTopWidth
0.3.4 (2020-02-04)
React components
- Simplify border
- Grey: color base shift
0.3.3 (2020-02-04)
React components
- Placeholder: Component
- Box: getAlignSelf
- Box: flex
- Box: flexBasis
- Box: flexGrow
- Box: flexShrink
- Box: order
0.3.2 (2020-02-03)
- Bugfix: HUB Theme fonts
0.3.1 (2020-02-03)
- Rename space tokens
React components
- Box: height extended
- Box: width extended
- Implement HUB theme
0.3.0 (2020-01-31)
- Shield & ShieldFill icon
React components
- Image: extend width value
- Choice: refactor, id required!
- LinkText: Component
- Divider: color prop
- Box: left, right, bottom, top prop
- Box: width prop full | atuo
- Box: position prop
- Box: height prop full | auto
- Box: color fix
- Box: font-weight prop
- Box: border-radius prop
- Update docs readme
- Change border-radius tokens
0.3.0.alpha.9 (2020-01-20)
React components
- Add Choice
- Box: color option
- Box: bgColor option
0.3.0.alpha.8 (2020-01-19)
React components
- Image: make maxWidth full as default, make width auto as default.
0.3.0.alpha.7 (2020-01-19)
- publish
0.3.0.alpha.6 (2020-01-19)
React components
- Paragraph: textAlign
- Heading: textAlign
- Caption: textAlign
- Image: add maxWidth option
- Button: align text in center
- Make Reset and fonts a separate package
- remove fill brand.svg (wl)
- add brand.(svg|pdf) to chameleon-theme-dl
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-ds
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-gva
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-hbvl
- modify brand-fill.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-hbvl
- modify brand.(svg|pdf) in chameleon-theme-nb
- add opinion.(svg|pdf) chameleon-tokens
- add opinion-fill.(svg|pdf) chameleon-tokens
- modify all other svg icons in chameleon-tokens
- add svgo logic to svgr action
- fix ink problem by upgrading
0.3.0.alpha.5 (2020-01-16)
Release Tags
- new release tag strategy
React components
- Base component
- Box component
- Button component
- Caption component
- Divider component
- Flex component
- Fonts component
- Heading component
- Icon component
- Image component
- Paper component
- Paragraph component
- Reset component
- Uprgade yarn
- IOS: fonts.plist closing dict fix
- IOS: swift linting fix (logos and icons file)
- FONTS: BarlowSemiCondensed without spaces
- Make tokens camelcase`
- Extend space (deprecate layout)
- Fix bounding box brand icons
- Update values font-size tokens
- Update values line-height tokens
- New heading 5 & 6
- New default heading values (old deprecated)
- Replace paragraph 1 & 2 with paragraph (old deprecated)
- Add component tokens (button & icon)
- New shadow tokens (old deprecated)
- Helvetica font fix
- Tests
- Add css-modules to docs website
- Code: css-modules
- CodePreview: css-modules
- ColorGrid: css-modules
- Flex: css-modules
- Grid: css-modules
- Header: css-modules
- Icons: css-modules
- Props: css-modules
- Row: css-modules
- DepthTreeLines: css-modules
- Tabs: css-modules
- TokenInfo: css-modules
- Wrap: css-modules
- DepthTreeLines: rename to IndentLines
- MenuItem: css-modules
- MenuItem: rename NavItem
- SideNav: simplify + implement css-modules
- nav: replace component with SideNav
- layouts: css-modules
- layouts: global styles
- uprgade yarn
- add css-modules to docs website
0.1.18 (2019-11-13)
- refresh (.pdf|.svg)
- more-horizontal-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- more-vertical-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- more-horizontal (.pdf|.svg)
- more-vertical (.pdf|.svg)
- placeholder (.svg)
0.1.17 (2019-11-13)
- update changelog
0.1.16 (2019-11-13)
- remove chameleon-theme-wl babel transpile
0.1.15 (2019-11-13)
- remove chameleon-theme-gva babel transpile
0.1.14 (2019-11-13)
- no changes
0.1.13 (2019-11-13)
- make chameleon-theme-gva not private
0.1.12 (2019-11-13)
- change font group to size
- remove unused font-baseline tokens
- fix border-radius tokens (don't replace % in transformation)
- change border-radius group to size
- change elevations to the group size (cleanup)
- deprecate space tokens
- deprecate space-inset tokens
- add new space system
- add new layout system
- remove font-baseline
- refactor all font packages (regular, medium, bold)
- plist ios file
- add font-weight mapping (e.g. 400 -> regular, 500 -> medium, 700 -> bold)
- fix box shadow: px missing in value
- transform font-weight values via new transform
- add publish scopes to root package.json
- add intro page
- add color example page
- update visual styling
- add IOS tokens page
- link to different brands
- publish to multiple brands
- bookmark.fill (.pdf)
- bookmarked (.svg)
- clock.fill (.pdf)
- customer-support (.pdf)
- dailyread (.pdf)
- error-outline (.svg)
- football.fill (.pdf)
- info-outline (.svg)
- notification.fill (.pdf)
- person.fill (.pdf)
- pin.fill (.pdf)
- play-back (.pdf)
- play-forward (.pdf)
- play-outline (.svg)
- podcast.fill (.pdf)
- recently-viewed.fill (.pdf)
- settings.fill (.pdf)
- social-instagram (.pdf)
- social-whatsapp (.pdf)
- tag.fill (.pdf)
- tune.fill (.pdf)
- unknown-outline (.pdf|.svg)
- bookmark-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- bullet (.pdf|.svg)
- camera-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- cast (.svg)
- clock-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- comment-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- comment (.svg)
- customer-support-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- customer-support (.svg)
- discover (.svg)
- error (.svg)
- external-link (.svg)
- facebook (.pdf)
- feedback (.svg)
- football-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- football (.svg)
- github (.svg)
- info (.pdf|.svg)
- instagram (.pdf|.svg)
- mail-fill (.svg)
- notification-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- person-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- pin-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- pin (.svg)
- pinterest (.pdf|.svg)
- play-arrow (.svg)
- play (.pdf|.svg)
- podcast-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- podcast (.svg)
- print-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- recently-viewed-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- recently-viewed (.svg)
- search-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- settings-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- share-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- skype (.pdf|.svg)
- sound (.svg)
- spotify (.pdf|.svg)
- start-fill (.svg)
- tag-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- textsize (.pdf|.svg)
- trending-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- trending (.svg)
- tune-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- tune (.svg)
- unknown (.pdf|.svg)
- videocam-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- warning-fill (.pdf|.svg)
- warning (.svg)
- whatsapp (.pdf)
- youtube (.svg)
- add (.pdf|.svg)
- arrow-back (.pdf|.svg)
- arrow-down (.pdf|.svg)
- arrow-forward (.pdf|.svg)
- arrow-up (.pdf|.svg)
- bookmark (.pdf|.svg)
- brand (.pdf|.svg)
- calendar (.pdf|.svg)
- camera (.pdf|.svg)
- cast (.pdf)
- checkmark (.pdf|.svg)
- chevron-back (.pdf|.svg)
- chevron-down (.pdf|.svg)
- chevron-forward (.pdf|.svg)
- chevron-up (.pdf|.svg)
- clock (.pdf|.svg)
- close (.pdf|.svg)
- comment (.pdf)
- conditions (.pdf)
- customer-support (.pdf)
- discover (.pdf)
- error (.pdf)
- exit (.pdf|.svg)
- external-link (.pdf)
- facebook (.pdf|.svg)
- feedback (.pdf)
- football (.pdf)
- github (.pdf)
- mail-fill (.pdf)
- mail (.pdf|.svg)
- menu (.pdf|.svg)
- more-horizontal (.pdf)
- more-vertical (.pdf)
- notification (.pdf|.svg)
- person (.pdf|.svg)
- pin (.pdf)
- placeholder
- play-arrow (.pdf)
- podcast (.pdf)
- print (.pdf|.svg)
- recently-viewed (.pdf)
- search (.pdf|.svg)
- settings (.pdf|.svg)
- share (.pdf|.svg)
- sound (.pdf)
- spinner (.pdf|.svg)
- star-fill (.pdf)
- star (.pdf|.svg)
- tag (.pdf|.svg)
- trending (.pdf)
- tune (.pdf)
- twitter (.pdf|.svg)
- videocam (.pdf|.svg)
- warning (.pdf)
- whatsapp (.svg)
- youtube (.pdf)
0.1.11 (2019-10-29)
- TOKENS: closing to early plist tag in fonts.plist output
0.1.10 (2019-10-29)
- IOS: make font-plist close at the right time
- ANDROID: make XML output plural
- ANDROID: removed from tokens-strings.xml:
- tokens-integers.xml only include z-index
- tokens-strings.xml only includes motion-duration
0.1.9 (2019-10-29)
- LOGOS: Add marketing(abo) logos, wl, gva
0.1.8 (2019-10-25)
- Make all fonts have -Regular, -Medium & -Bold suffix
- Rename semi-bold to medium
0.1.9 (2019-10-22)
- IOS: Export exclude system-fonts