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Tooltip (code)

A tooltip is a floating label that provide a brief explanation about a specific user interface element. It can be triggered when users hover or focus.

import { Tooltip } from '@mediahuis/chameleon-react'


childrenNode--The trigger target of the tooltip.
defaultVisibleBooleanfalse-The initial visibility state of the tooltip
idString-trueNative HTML id attribute. Will also affect the describedby-id. For accessibility reasons.
labelString--Text displayed within the tooltip
placement'auto''auto-start''auto-end''top''top-start''top-end''bottom''bottom-start''bottom-end''right''right-start''right-end''left''left-start''left-end''top'-Where is the Tooltip positioned towards the target element.
usePortalBooleanfalse-Whether to use React.createPortal for creating tooltip.

System Props

This component does not allow any system props.

System Props

Next to the properties listed in the propstable, a collection of system props can be added to any component for further general styling and layouting purposes. These props vary per component.

To read more about the system, click here to check out its dedicated page.


default: <Icon />

The children you provide to the component, will be the elements that are wrapped by the tooltip. If no children are provided, the component will fallback to an information-icon.

It's all about me


default: undefined

The label is the text that is displayed inside the tooltip.


default: top

You can also change the placement of the label.

Note: this only sets the default placement. If it's placement would fall outside of the window (e.g. when scrolled to the bottom), it will adapt accordingly.


default: false

Renders the tooltip in a portal, primarely used in Dialogs.

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