import { Checkbox } from '@mediahuis/chameleon-react'
< Checkbox id = " checkbox " label = " Label " />
Props Name Type Default Required Description action Node - - Contents displayed within the ActionLabel. checked Boolean - - Sets the native checkbox checked state. className String - - Extend classNames. disabled Boolean - - - error Boolean - - Visually displayed as error text. Will add the necessary accessibility tags. id String - true Native HTML id attribute. Will also affect the label-id, and the message-id. For accessibility reasons. label Node - true Contents displayed within the PrimaryLabel. labelHidden Boolean - - Visibly hide the label. (label is still required for a11y) labelPlacement 'left' 'right' - - The placement of the label. labelProps {
"color": "String"
"decoration": "'inherit' 'none' 'underline' 'line-through'"
"fontFamily": "'inherit' 'primary' 'secondary' 'system'"
"fontWeight": "'inherit' 'regular' 'medium' 'bold'"
"size": "'Heading1' 'Heading2' 'Heading3' 'Heading4' 'Heading5' 'Heading6' 'Caption1' 'Caption2'"
"textTransform": "'inherit' 'none' 'capitalize' 'uppercase' 'lowercase'"
} - - Props passed to the label component, the API may change in the future. message String - - Contents displayed beneath the label. onChange Function - - Native change event, validate on optionalLabel String - - Contents displayed within the OptionalLabel. required Boolean - - Sets native input required attribute. value String - - Native input value.
System Props System Props Next to the properties listed in the propstable, a collection of system props can be added to any component for further general styling and layouting purposes. These props vary per component.
To read more about the system, click here to check out its dedicated page .
Action default: undefined
Adds an action or extra information to your item, mostly used for links.
< Checkbox
id = " action "
label = " Label "
action = { < LinkText href = " # " > LinkText </ LinkText > }
Checked default: undefined
Make a Checkbox selected by passing the checked prop.
< Checkbox id = " checked " label = " Label " checked />
Disabled default: undefined
Marking a Radio as disabled , will disable all interaction with the element.
< Checkbox id = " disabled " label = " Label " disabled />
Error default: undefined
To convey an error to the user, you can set the error prop to true.
< Checkbox id = " checkbox-error " label = " Label " error />
LabelHidden default: undefined
To meet accessibility requirements, every Checkbox should have an associated
label. We do support the ability to visually hide the label when the Checkbox's
purpose is clear.
< Checkbox id = " labelHidden " label = " Label " labelHidden />
LabelPlacement default: undefined
The positioning of the label against the Checkbox itself. The full label will
move position (also action, message & optionalLabel).
< Checkbox mb = { 5 } id = " labelPlacementNone " label = " Undefined " />
< Checkbox mb = { 5 } id = " labelPlacementLeft " label = " Left " labelPlacement = " left " />
< Checkbox id = " labelPlacementRight " label = " Right " labelPlacement = " right " />
LabelProps default: undefined
You can visually change the label of the Checkbox. For more info about the
possibilities, check the Text component's
(Label inherits the Text).
< Checkbox
mb = { 5 }
id = " labelProps "
label = " Label "
labelProps = { {
color : 'primaryBase' ,
decoration : 'line-through' ,
fontFamily : 'primary' ,
fontWeight : 'regular' ,
size : 'Heading2' ,
textTransform : 'capitalize' ,
} }
Message default: undefined
Give additional information to the user.
< Box mb = { 5 } >
< Checkbox
id = " checkbox-message "
label = " Label "
message = " Multiple checkboxes should have space 5 between them. "
</ Box >
< Box >
< Checkbox
id = " checkbox-message-error "
label = " Label "
message = " Multiple checkboxes should have space 5 between them. Oh, we've got error. "
</ Box >
OptionalLabel default: undefined
Compared with TextField, Checkbox is not required by default. The
optionalLabel is additional feedback to the user, please provide it where
< Checkbox id = " optional-label " label = " Label " optionalLabel = " Optional " />
Required default: undefined
Make the field required if needed. If you already added optionalLabel, the field
will stay optional to not confuse the user.
< Checkbox id = " required " required = { false } label = " Label " />
Value default: undefined
Use value for controlled Checkboxes.
( ) => {
const [ form , setForm ] = React . useState ( {
checkbox1 : false ,
checkbox2 : true ,
} ) ;
const handleCheckboxChange = ( { target } ) => {
setForm ( {
... form ,
[ target . value ] : ! form [ target . value ] ,
} ) ;
} ;
return (
< React.Fragment >
< Checkbox
id = " checkbox1 "
label = " Label 1 "
value = " checkbox1 "
checked = { form . checkbox1 }
onChange = { handleCheckboxChange }
mr = { 5 }
< Checkbox
id = " checkbox2 "
label = " Label 2 "
value = " checkbox2 "
checked = { form . checkbox2 }
onChange = { handleCheckboxChange }
</ React.Fragment >
) ;
} ;