You are currently viewing outdated (<=3.x) Chameleon documentation on our old website. For version >=4.x, check out our new website.

Current release: 3.5.0 | hub


Getting in touch ()

Tiers denote the multiple layers Chameleon consists of. This layering allows product teams to have their own dedicated design system to improve both internal and external sharing of a team's components.

A design system lives and dies by its usage by both developer and designers. For this reason, we more than welcome active contributions.

Ways to contribute

Missing options

A design system is a living organism that is constantly evolving. The need for it to evolve always stems from a general need or a specific user request. If you find a certain component not fitting your needs, be sure to report it. The more uses cases Chameleon can cover, the more straightforward the design-to-development workflow will become.


If, while using Chameleon, you encounter something that's counter-intuitive, don't hesitate to inform us about it. Chameleon is built to serve your needs, so we want to tailor it to your expectations. This can range anywhere from the naming of a prop or the needed combination of props to achieve your expected result.

Sharing Patterns

As discussed in our vision about design system tiers, we support actively sharing your own patterns, not only within your team but also cross-team. You can always ping us if you need help with setting up your patters so that they can easily be shared. We ourselves will always try to be on the lookout for highly-used patterns that should be promoted to a higher tier, but you can always proactively contact us about a pattern that you see fit!

How to contact us

We use our internal Slack as our main communication-channels. We have several general channels that each serve a specific purpose. Feel free to join the ones that are applicable to you.

  • #chameleon-general Catch-all for communications, major announcements and generic questions related to Chameleon Design System

Sometimes, we set up private channels related to specific projects. If you would need access to a project-specific channel, don't hesitate to ping us.


Jens Van den Nieuwenhuysen

Jens Van den Nieuwenhuysen

UI & System designer

Ken Wuytack

Ken Wuytack

UI & System designer

Thomas Mattheussen

Thomas Mattheussen

Front-end Developer Web

Wannes De Backer

Wannes De Backer

Front-end Developer Web

Stijn Willems

Stijn Willems

Front-end Developer iOS & Android

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